aac encoder linux

audio - AAC Codec Library (libFAAC alternative) - Stack Overflow.
Now I want to replace LAME with HE-AAC, so good acc encoder needed.. edit: whoops you're looking for a linux library so I guess this is out.
Can someone give me a commandline how to encode a AC3 to MP4? c) Is there any tool existing for Linux which already uses neroaac so that.
There is AAC support in Linux itself, since I can play AAC files within Ubuntu using the usual media players. Under the codec tab of the dMC.
falabaac-v2.0.0.178.tar.gz - falab - AAC Encoder, Best quality.
Nero AAC encoder for Linux (new and free) - Page 4 - Ubuntu Forums.
Jan 5, 2013. AAC Encoders known AAC encoder/decoder implementations and configuring them (Apple Itunes, Nero AAC, etc); Linux and Nero AAC a short.
PHey, I was wondering what's the best x.264 encoder in linux. Actually I'd love to get a video encoder which supports mkv container, converts.
Nero AAC encoder for Linux (new and free) The Community Cafe.

Nero AAC encoder for Linux (new and free) - Page 3 - Ubuntu Forums.
aac codec under Linux - dbpoweramp.
Freeware Advanced Audio Coder | Free Audio & Video software.
AAC - SqueezeboxWiki.
Jan 5, 2013. AAC Encoders known AAC encoder/decoder implementations and configuring them (Apple Itunes, Nero AAC, etc); Linux and Nero AAC a short.
PHey, I was wondering what's the best x.264 encoder in linux. Actually I'd love to get a video encoder which supports mkv container, converts.
aac encoder linux
aac encoder linux
PuppyLinux: Nero AAC Codec.
1 General; 2 AAC on Windows; 3 AAC on Linux; 4 AAC on OSX; 5 AAC on. for this text "The LAME encoder appears to be installed correctly on your system.